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MURPHY - Multiresolution Multiphysics Solver

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MURPHY is a library to perform high-performance computing simulations of partial differential equations on multiresolution adaptive grids. It uses an immersed interface method to handle domain boundaries. MURPHY is written in C++ and MPI. We have provided more information about the motivation and theoretical background on a couple of key components:

  • multiresolution grid adaptation through wavelets
  • high-order discretization of boundaries through immersed interface method
  • high performance computing using one-sided MPI communication
  • integration with FLUPS for Fast Fourier Transforms (uniform grids only)

Further, we have a couple of clients:

  • vortexdyn : discretization of 3D Navier-Stokes equations using vorticity-velocity formulation
  • TBD

The scientific paper can be found here while the Github code is here.